Configuration Guide


Starbelly can be configured entirely through its graphical interface. In fact, this is one of the advantages to using Starbelly: no more arcane configuration files or custom code! The tradeoff, of course, is that Starbelly has fewer configuration options than other crawlers and may not be flexible enough to solve all crawling problems.

The configuration items are all contained in the Configuration submenu on the left side of the interface.


Starbelly has the ability to automatically log into a website if it has the appropriate credentials (see Credentials below). Some login forms may require a CAPTCHA. In those cases, you may configure a CAPTCHA solving service. Starbelly supports any CAPTCHA service that is compatible with the Antigate API. You may create multiple configurations in order to use multiple backend solvers or just to send different configurations to the same service.

Once you have created a CAPTCHA solver, specify that CAPTCHA solver in a crawl policy in order to send login CAPTCHAs to the solving service during crawls.


Starbelly has the ability to automatically log into a website if it has the appropriate credentials. To configure credentials for a site, you only need to specify a login URL. (If the login URL enables single sign-on for multiple subdomains, then you should also specify the domain name that you wish to authenticate on.)

For each domain, you may set up multiple username & password credentials. When the crawler encounters that domain during a crawl, it will randomly pick one of the credentials and attempt to login with it. (The crawler uses machine learning to identify and parse the login form.)

Rate Limits

The crawler observes rate limits between subsequent requests to a single domain. For example, with the default delay of 5 seconds, the crawler will wait 5 seconds after a request completes until it initiates another request to that same domain. Therfore, the crawler will download at most 12 pages per minute from a single domain using the default rate limit. In practice, it will download fewer than 12 pages per minute, since each request itself also takes some non-negligible amount of time.

Furthermore, rate limits apply across all jobs. For example, if you have two different jobs crawling one domain, each job will effectively be limited to 6 pages per minute instead of 12.

On the Rate Limits configuration screen, you may change the global limit as well as customize rate limits for specific domains. This allows you to specify lower rate limits for domains that can handle higher traffic. For example, you might crawl web servers on your corporate intranet faster than you crawl a public internet server.